And OUR LOGO is the my visual interpretation of dancing SHIVA : Natraj

Ralibha is an ethnographic research led innovation center that develops consumer insights and design content focused on future scenarios and latent needs of consumers. Since 2006,it has been conducting design research and creating Innovation solutions for companies, public and private associations and research institutes.
We love to explore cultures, insights using deep dive design processes and then use design thinking to put the
analysis together so as to understand future scenarios. After this we go a step further and innovate to answer questions focussing on future, culture, insights, behaviours and emotional thought patterns.
What do we explore
Consumer insights, Ethnographic research, Trend mapping, Usability research, Future scenarios, Forecasting, Innovation and innovation workshops, Semiotic studies and Culture studies, Lifestyle mapping, Behavior patterns, Contextual study.
Why us
A definite ethnography based research process which deals with analysis of culture, consumer and trends and provides final answers both as a document and as a design.
Network of young professionals and trend experts at an all India level.
Visualization (Design development) and documentation of the strategy and insights evolved.
दिप्ती आपने अपनी पहली पोस्ट हाय कैसे हैं आप में तो बहुत अच्छी हिन्दी लिखी थी अनायास ही इस लेख में यह गड़बड़ कैसे हो गई?
हिन्दी लिकने में किसी भी सहायता की जरूरत हो तो कहें।
क्षमा कीजिये " हिन्दी लिकने" की बजाय हिन्दी लिखने पढ़ें।
अच्छा प्रयास है. लिखती रहें-पढ़ती रहें. बहुत जल्दी हाथ टंकण के लिये सेट हो जायेगा. अनेकों शुभकामनायें. :)
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